Open for interpretation

Why would a writer want to create an unreliable narrator? Perhaps out of the realisation that a god/goddess like view of the action of any story is difficult to achieve (see extracts from texts by Shukla and Wood in the following chapters) and because it’s a lot of fun messing with the reader’s mind and abusing their trust in a harmless, creative way. So-called ‘unreliable’ narrators can be instructive, too, demonstrating to a reader the multiplicity of human experience, the multiple ways in which events or people can be interpreted.


Think back to a homecooked meal you had among a group of people — preferably an occasion when more than four people were gathered together. In a third person voice, write a description of preparations for the meal. Then in your own voice, describe eating the meal. Finally, adopting the voice of someone else present, describe the clearing up after the meal.

Complete and continue