
Congratulations Star Storyteller! You have all four letters. Write down the letters in the order they were revealed to spell Boudica’s secret symbol.

This animal is often associated with Boudica. It was known that she would send this animal out on to the Battle field before the fight was about to kick off. The mythic creature was considered a kind of charm.

Now you are free to carry on with your story – keep writing and see where it takes you. I hope that you enjoyed the workshop and I look forward to reading one of your books!

Remember ask a grown-up to send a copy or photo of your shield into National Centre for Writing, we would love to see it. You can email it to [email protected]

Decorate your shield however you like. Here are some ideas you may like to include:

  • Boudica’s secret symbol
  • An animal
  • The title of your story

You can find out more about the history of Boudica through Norfolk Museums Service.

Complete and continue