Flying Solo!

Want to keep writing songs like this? That's awesome. 

The great news is, a lot of mobile phone apps and computer programmes will allow you to make pieces of music using freely-available samples or 'loops.' 

Garageband for Apple devices is a good place to start. If you're unsure about how to use Loops, you can look for a tutorial on Youtube for help.

If you're not using an Apple device, this relatively recent article gives a few alternatives for Android that you could try:

You can always use acoustic instruments to make music. If you don't play an instrument yourself, you could ask a friend or family member to record something for you or play live as you perform your song.

Recordings of sounds also make interesting music. Try recording sounds from around the house, or garden - like running taps or birds singing!

We want to hear what you've come up with. Send us your recordings to - put Spoken Word Song as the subject line.

Have fun!

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