Writing Science Fiction Bundle
Included courses:
This huge bundle includes all three Writing Science Fiction courses, taught by Ian Nettleton: World Building, Characters & Point of View and Plotting & Endings.
The bundle saves you £15 over buying separately.
By the end of these courses you will:
- Understand the difference between archetypes and stereotypes
- Know how to build characters through observation
- Understand the importance of point-of-view
- Be able to use first, second and third person perspectives
- Be able to combine character and situations to generate a plot
- Know how to use your setting to reflect and reveal your characters
- Know how to use the mundane to your advantage
- Understand the difference between world building and exposition
- Know what separates after the catastrophe from enclosed habitats
- Get why verisimilitude is key to any science fiction story
- Appreciate the relationship between plot and character
- Know what forms a classic story structure
- Be able to write an impactful opening
- Know how to ratchet up the drama
- Be able to recite the Ten Commandments of Writing
- Understand how point of view affects your plot
- See how dialogue and subtext can add depth to your plot
- Understand the importance of rewriting
- Know how to end your story
How long does it take?
As self-paced courses it's up to you how quickly you progress through the material. Together, the three courses are likely to take about 4 weeks at a steady pace.
How does it work?
Our courses can be accessed on your desktop Mac or PC , laptop, tablet or mobile. All you need is a web browser. You don't need to install any additional software.
When does it start?
Right now! This is a self-paced online course - you decide when you start and can go through it at any speed. You have unlimited access to the course so can return for a refresher at any time.
Introducing Ian Nettleton
Ian Nettleton is from the north of England but he has lived in Norwich for two decades. His novelette, Falling Star, was published in a science fiction anthology, Angles, in 2008 and his novel, The Last Migration, was runner-up in the inaugural Bath Novel Award 2014 and runner-up in the inaugural Bridport Prize Peggy Chapman-Andrews Award 2014. He is represented by Sue Armstrong of the Conville and Walsh literary agency.
Ian has a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of East Anglia and teaches creative writing at the Open University (undergraduate and MA), the National Centre for Writing and the University of East Anglia. He is currently editing a literary thriller set in Queensland, Australia, called Out of Nowhere.
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